Motorparts English

bullet1 Pan-European
bullet2 ST1300

bullet3 Hazard Lights without contactkey on

The standard hazardlights on the 1300 are an improvement in equipment of this bike. The fact that they work only with the contact key on is a bit strange though.
Image you have to leave your bike at a position where visibility is poor. Or it suddenly starts to rain and you want to take your rainsuit from the saddle bags while parked at the small emergency lane of a busy highway.
You definately want to put your hazardlight on in these situations! But you can't because you need the key to open the bags, or you don't want to leave the bike alone with your key in it....
For this puposes I designed a circuit to put the hazardlight on without the bike being at contact. A relais switches the hazardlights directly to the battery via a switch that is mounted in one of the pockets. This switch therefore is unreachable by vandals who try to take a joke with you by pushing every button they can find on your bike.

Next drawing shows how to wire this circuit. The relais can be placed among the other relais at the left side of the bike behind the fusebox